Unlocking one of Tupper's best-kept secrets
Step 1: Learning the secret
So I'm going to let you in on a little secret, but shhhhh ... we would greatly appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone!
Are you ready?
Wait for it...
Here goes...
Tupper Lake has a beach!
Yes, we have a beach, and not to be biased in any way but I would have to say it's probably one of the nicest, largest, sandiest beaches in the Adirondacks. Some of you may probably be scratching your head, saying "I knew that." Others may be wondering why on earth we would keep our public beach a secret. Either way, you are now ready to move on to step 2.
Step 2: Learn why it's a secret

The secret sort of happened by default. See, Little Wolf Beach is simply not visible as you drive through town and as a result people often don't realize we have a beach. I will admit that I have had many conversations with people from the next town over that don't believe we have a beach, or mistake it for the "beach-like" boat launch at the Municipal Park. But rest assured, I am not lying to you: there is, in fact, a beach in Tupper Lake.
Step 3: Understand the importance of keeping it a secret

Before we get to the details of what this beach has to offer, I thought I would share why I love our beach's "secret" location.
- I don't know about you, but I don't want people staring at me and my family in our swimsuits as they drive by. Okay, maybe not staring, but I like the sense of privacy this location allows.
- I don't want to listen to loud trucks and the noise of everyday life while I am relaxing on the beach. The sounds you will hear at this beach are all about fun and relaxation, not hustle and bustle.
- I like that it is a little off the beaten path. I feel like my family and I have arrived at a secret swimming hole that only us and the other beach-goers have the insider knowledge to find.
- It's free and open to the public!
But in all reality, we are not trying to keep our beach a secret, so I think I'm ready to share with you the simple instructions on how to get to this awesome swimming hole.
Step 4: Follow the map to the hidden treasure
Note: If you already have insider knowledge and know how to get to Little Wolf Beach, please skip to step 5.

As I previously mentioned, Little Wolf Beach is not along the main roadway, but rather about about a half mile off of Main Street. For detailed instructions on how to get there from just about any direction, simply use the map above, or follow this link for turn-by-turn directions.
Step 5: Dive in!

Now it is my job to encourage people to come visit, so I thought I would begin by sharing what others think. Whenever we post a photo of Little Wolf Beach on social media we immediately receive a whole lot of positive feedback. So you don't have to take my word for it, take theirs:
- "Man this takes me back, makes me wish I was a kid again with my parents at camp!" - RN
- "Great memories!" - GV
- "Yay... Little Wolf Beach! A very important part of my childhood!" - LA
- "Little Wolf Beach, a huge part of my childhood. I learned to swim there and also took my life guard training there. We always stayed at camp 2-3 weeks every summer. Now I bring my son there and he loves it." - DQ
- "Looks familiar! Actually going up next week! Can't wait..." - RM
- "Love hanging at Little Wolf when I come for my yearly visit! Was just there over the July 4th weekend. Beautiful place." - LS
- "One. More. Week!!!!!!" - TD
In addition to having all of the benefits of being located in a more secluded location, Little Wolf Beach has a lot to offer! From playground, campground, volleyball net, two great swimming docks, and large, sandy play area to the shaded pavilion area, food shack, showers, restroom, and changing area, this beach has all of the amenities you would expect to find at a great beach. But it is more than the things it offers — as you can tell from the statements above, it is also about the memories that can be created there.
Plan a beach day!
I know what you are thinking: it's time to grab the sunscreen, towels, and swim trunks. But before you hit the beach, there are still a few pieces of information we forgot to share:
- Little Wolf Beach is known for its spectacular sunsets. If you are swimming later in the day, be sure to stick around for the show.
- Right up the street from the beach you will find the Adirondack Sky Center and Observatory, which offers free stargazing on Friday evenings.
- For an extended stay, campsites are available at Little Wolf Beach. Prime sites book early, so make sure to reserve yours in advance!
- Hungry? In addition to the large picnic area, Little Wolf Beach also has a food shack with a good-sized menu of tasty eats, treats, and beverages.
Okay, now I'm done. See you at the beach!