Preparing for the season
Snow is on the ground, trails are being groomed, and I can hear snowmobiles cruising around the neighborhood in the evening…it’s snowmobile season! Everywhere you look people are digging out their sleds from wherever they spent the summer season, cleaning them off, tuning them up, and getting ready to ride. I bought my first snowmobile this past summer, so I have been a bit anxious waiting to ride. We always had snowmobiles growing up, but buying your first one and having it be your own is special.
As much as I wish I could just uncover it, put gas in it and take off, unfortunately there are a bunch of things that need to be done to get prepared for snowmobile season before the first ride of the year.
Before you go out riding this year make sure you…

1. Registration / Insurance
All snowmobiles have to be registered and insured before you can legally ride. You can print the paperwork out online and fill it out to save time at the DMV. When snow begins flying everyone heads to the DMV to have their sleds registered and you will most likely stand in a long line. Also, join a local snowmobile club to save some money when registering your sled.

2. The tune up
Whether you take your snowmobile to a local shop to be checked over, or you do it yourself, it is important to check your snowmobile and make sure everything is going to run correctly. You can fill up your fluids, replace belts, spark plugs, etc. before you get stranded on a trail. Checking your skis, slides, and buying some spare parts are also key to having a stress free riding season. I don’t have much experience with tuning up my sled so my boyfriend takes care of that and makes sure I am good to go.
3. Have the proper gear
Snowmobiling is one of the toughest sports to dress for. You are constantly in the wind so you need warm gear, but when you go on longer rides you work more than you think you do and end up sweating. This is why it is important to dress in layers. This way when you get too warm you can take pieces of clothing off and not sweat the whole ride.
Having a helmet that fits properly is important too. It is key for safety, and to be warm on the ride.

Grab a snowmobile map to plan out your trips. When you discover Tupper Lake, find a place to eat, and a place to stay. While you're here check out our shops! We are sure to become one of your favorite snowmobiling destinations!