food, family & football
Time to get ready for the turkey trot
Halloween has passed and our princesses, superheroes, and mythical creatures have retired until next year. The stores are now decorated for the Christmas season and we will soon hear Christmas music blasting from their sound systems along with viewing commercials that will advertise “Black Friday” deals (even though it now begins on Thursday). Are you counting down how many Fridays are left until Christmas? It's easy to get into the Christmas spirit but we have to put that on pause for just a bit.
After filling up on the Halloween candy I steal from my little cousins, all I can think about is the upcoming Thanksgiving feast that I will definitely be over-indulging in. I am already feeling guilty because I know I am having second helpings of my aunt’s apple squash and sweet potato casserole. Let's not forget to mention that I will probably sample each dessert that will be filling my family's table at Thanksgiving. Just thinking about it makes me hungry. It's not just the feast I am excited for; it is also a day for me to spend with my family and watch hours of football.
I can’t think of a better way to spend my Thanksgiving morning than burning a few extra calories enjoying fresh air while gaining some exercise-induced endorphins.

Trotting for a cause
The 2nd Annual Erin Dewyea Turkey Trot is an opportunity to enjoy the fresh air while you burn the calories you intend to eat later in the day, and reflect on things you are thankful for.
For those of you who didn’t know Erin she was a teacher at L.P. Quinn Elementary School and an active member in the Tupper Lake Community. She is remembered as a kind and loving person who always went out of her way to lend a helping hand. The Turkey Trot is held in order to raise money for a scholarship in Erin’s name. The scholarship goes to a graduating student from Tupper Lake Middle High School.
Remembering last year...

The First Annual Erin Dewyea Turkey Trot attracted almost 210 participants. Last year was a bit chilly but everyone bundled up and set out to trot in Erin’s memory. As participants began lining up at the start, I remember getting a few good laughs at everyone’s Thanksgiving inspired costumes. Team Butterball Express had matching t-shirts and turkey hats which lead them to be the winners of the costume contest. There were also a few Turkey Hunters dressed in camouflage and several other inspired costumes. The event began at the Tupper Lake Train Station and as the horn blew everyone left the starting line at once. Luckily, it was a smooth start and no one was trampled as someone tried to be up front from the start. The avid runners took the lead, while the walkers with their sidekicks in strollers followed behind. As my team and I walked along what my best friend and I call the beach-loop route (Washington St to S. Little Wolf Rd. to Murray St.) it was moving to see the smiles on fellow trotter’s faces as we remembered Erin despite the chilly temperatures and slushy roads.

This Years Event
The 2nd Annual Erin Dewyea Turkey Trot will take place on Thursday, November 26, 2015 at 8:00 A.M.
A 10K (6.2mile) course was added in addition to last year’s 5K (3.1mile) course. Don't forget your costumes as prizes will be awarded for best costume.
Bundle up, grab your family and some hot chocolate to-go, and join us for a great cause.