Maybe not! Might hit 55 on 11/1!
On October 14th it was another beautiful day. I wanted to ride my bike, but where? I had ridden to the Bog many times this season and had transported my bike out of town to bike with friends, but on this day I was solo and wanted a different route. After a few moments, I decided head to downtown Tupper Lake, after all the town has undergone some major improvements…why not get a close up look on my bike!
After I passed one of my favorite places to shop, I get into my zen! I was determined to outdo my last ride of approximately 17 miles.

I headed downtown on Route 30 North, onto Wawbeek Avenue then turned right onto Park Street. Wawbeek Avenue had been completely torn up and re-done. The sidewalks were re-done and pavers line the walks and sidewalks. The matching retaining wall running along the entire street is beautiful! Park Street had the war zone look going on for awhile! It had been completely torn up! Walking was a little treacherous! The inconvenience and mess has paid off for us townies, business owners and visitors. Park Street is gorgeous, the sidewalks are enhanced with lampposts and trees! Downtown has had a major facelift, it looks awesome!
Construction was still in progress, but it appears that most of the dirty heavy work has been done. To avoid the construction crew I turned down Mill street and headed to the Junction via Demars Blvd, at this point I decided to head to Little Wolf Beach, not that anything was going on at this local this time of year, it was just my new destination, a pretty little vacant beach!

After snapping a few pics, I set a new destination, Junction Pass! I had previously walked it and recalled it looked like a great place to ride. The trail begins near the Train Station, which was also refurbished several years ago. It is used for special town events, weddings and parties.

The Junction Pass is also a fairly new addition to our town. It is a hard packed gravel trail that will lead to the Wild Center. It is traveled by bikes, walkers and runners, at this time of the year it is especially beautiful.

I crossed a couple of streets, over a bridge and came to an intersection. I went to the left and reached McLaughlin Avenue, at that point I could have continued on the path to the Wild Center. However, I back tracked on the trail and turned right at the intersection. I crossed another wooden bridge and ended up behind McDonald’s Restaurant, being I wanted to check out The Connection, an internet arts and music cafe’ on Park Street, I biked again on Demars Blvd. Again, I headed up Mill Street back to reach Park St. The café has coffees, teas, homemade soups and sweets (made by Jenn Walsh and other entrepreneurs’), herbs and a variety of gifts and much more. I resisted the urge to have a sweet, I indulged in a bowl of beef and cabbage soup. Jenn was busy maintaining the herbs, but she took time to chat with me. Jenn loves to cook and try new recipes. she is in the right business! The soup was yummy!

My bike outing continued on Park Street, back to Wawbeek but then deviated from my original route as I hit Broad Street then Sunset back onto Park, passing Shaheen’s Market and Ohana’s 1950’s Diner. I then turned right onto Hosley Avenue passing the Wild Center. I continued on Route 30 South, headed home. Darn, I noticed I would not have enough miles! Oh well, another new destination - Blue Jay Campsite. Upon reaching the entrance to Blue Jay Campsite, I checked my app and saw that I would outdo my previous outing, happy but hungry (the soup was a late lunch!). I headed home, ending with 18.51 miles, a happy hungry biker!

If you want to have some fun and see the new and improved Tupper Lake, come visit us on your bike you will have more time to visit the old and the new shops and restaurants. Our town has been refurbished! All those involved with the planning and implementation of the new downtown, including the hard working construction crews deserve a hooray for you and a huge thank you!