Q&A: Locals Weigh In!
“What leisure activity or event would you like to pursue more of in 2018?”
With 2017 in the books, it's time to reflect and make plans for the new year. Looking back there are always things you wish you could have done more of, or an event you wish you would have attended. But good news – 2018 is here and boasting a great recreation and event line up.
As I start to fill up my calendar I'm somewhat overwhelmed with all the choices! So, I figured I'd get some input from the experts. Here's a quick Q&A with some of your favorite local business owners, and your favorite local otter, to find out what activities they would like to do more of, and what events they can’t miss in 2018.
Mark Jessie - Your Favorite Local Brewer
“What leisure activity or event would you like to pursue more in 2018?”
Mark, one of the owners of Raquette River Brewing, and the new owner of The Faust Motel says, “I want to do more hiking; I have gotten away from it recently being busy with the businesses.” Mark, who used to faithfully hike Panther Mountain every day before the sun was up, has not been able to recently. “Hopefully in 2018 I can get back in my hiking groove.”

Ollie The Otter - The Local Otter
“What leisure activity or event would you like to pursue more in 2018?”
Ollie from The Wild Center says, “I always love to fish, but in the winter I especially like to ice fish in Simon Pond during the Annual Northern Challenge Ice Fishing Derby in February. With over 1,000 participants it’s a great way to spend the day and gives me a great meal!” Ollie is very excited to partake in the fishing derby this year and go after over $35,000 in awarded prizes.

Tina Merrihew - The Best Donut Maker In The Adirondacks
“What leisure activity or event would you like to pursue more in 2018?”
Tina, owner of The Donut Shop/Laundromat/Shenandoah Gift Shop says, “I definitely want to spend more time enjoying my summer. Spending time at the Tupper Lake Golf Club, on the lake boating, and doing some hiking. Any time spent outside during the summer in 2018 will be great.”
Who wouldn’t want to focus more time outside during the beautiful ADK summers we get to experience?

Faith & Remi McClelland - Family Of One Of The Newest ADK Explorers
“What leisure activity or event would you like to pursue more in 2018?”
Faith, owner of Spruce & Hemlock Country Store says, “Remi and I would like to get outside more in the new year and enjoy ourselves. We love winter walks and spending our long summer afternoons boating!” For Remi, this is his first Adirondack winter, and he can hardly wait to discover all the fun activities Tupper Lake has to offer!

Amanda Kelly - Your Local 1950s Restaurant Owner
“What leisure activity or event would you like to pursue more in 2018?”
Amanda, owner of Ohana's 1950s Diner says, "I hope to spend more time outdoors with my kids and animals, specifically hiking Coney — my favorite mountain." When shes not cooking up 1950's food you can also catch her with a green thumb gardening away with her favorite plants!

Whether you are ready or not, 2018 is upon us and it's full steam ahead. It’s time to start making your plans to visit Tupper Lake — don’t let the year go by again and leave you wishing. What are you most looking forward to discover in Tupper Lake in 2018? Plan your trip now!
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