On Two Wheels
I have been waiting for an overcast day to do some biking. With the summer we have had so far, overcast days were hard to come by. Every day has been sunny and hot, too hot for biking, but perfect days for being on the water. Finally we got a cloudy day with temps in the lower '70s, perfect for a bike trip.
I decided I wanted to do the trip from Horseshoe to Massawepie since I have never done it. I have lived here my whole life and never made it out to do this 12 mile bike ride. I have been missing out on so much!
We started out in the morning driving toward Horseshoe Lake. After turning down Route 421 and passing the scenic Bog River Falls, we continued on until the road takes a left turn. About four miles down the road, you will start to see various parking areas. I decided to park at the second parking lot, which made my bike trip a bit longer. You can continue driving and park farther in if you don’t want to bike as far. Taking my bike off the car and getting ready to go, I noticed how peaceful Horseshoe Lake was in the morning. The lake was like glass, I paused for a moment and watched a couple getting ready to head out for a paddle.

Getting on my bike, I took off down the dirt road. For the first part of the trip, you follow the dirt road just like you would be heading to Low’s Upper Dam. Instead of turning at the gate, you continue on to an old logging road. I recommend bringing bug spray! Once you get onto this logging road in the heavily wooded areas, the horse flies come out. But, once I was cruising on my bike, they didn’t seem to bother me. Also, having my helmet on seemed to help keep them away from my head.

The ride can be a bit difficult as the trail is pretty hilly. This is why I decided to start at Horseshoe instead of at Massawepie. If you start your ride at Massawepie, prepare for an even more hilly ride this way. The hills made the trip out to be a great workout. As I rode I admired the dense forests, and what a perfect day it was for a ride. Along the way I noticed all the snowmobile signs and thought of the great rides we have through the area in the winter. It seems like winter will be here before you know it and the trails will be covered in snow again!

I arrived at Massawepie Lake right around lunchtime. I picked a spot to sit next to the water, dip my feet in, and have my lunch I had packed. There was no other place I would rather be, with quite a view in front of me. I was waiting for my ride to pick me up since I was only biking one way this time, but next time I would like to do a round trip and bike back to Horseshoe. Massawepie Lake is the perfect spot to take a swim and have lunch before getting back on the bike to head back to Horseshoe. I think that will be my next trip.
When you’re in the area, stop by The Thirsty Moose to refuel after a bike trip, then find somewhere to rest up.
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