My usual bike route is along Route 30 south to Bog River Falls, a must-visit location if you have not been there, and it's a local favorite. One can just hang out and enjoy the falls, picnic, or slide down the natural rock waterslide. Sometimes, I go out of town to bike to change it up, but today I wanted to stay close to home and do a short ride.
My ride started near Luke's Mobil. I headed out on McLaughlin Avenue, toward the Junction. Since I had no destination in mind, I took various residential streets, enjoying the quiet and viewing the homes and their fall lawn decorations. I ended up near Little Wolf Beach. At that point I started to contemplate a destination. I thought about heading west, toward Cranberry Lake, but I didn't like the thought of the big hill, which is known as Raymoe Hill by the locals. The thought of this long and rather steep hill was a little discouraging, even though I do enjoy going up most hills. I turned onto South Little Wolf Road, and headed toward Main Street after biking on a few more side streets, still thinking about a destination.

Once on Main Street I made up my mind, I was going to Purdy Things at Jane’s Place. Having a specific destination gets me motivated and I get energized once I get going, thus I wanted to go farther than originally planned. I also thought I have done hills harder than Raymoe Hill. As I got closer to “the hill,” I decided to take Old Piercefield Road. Although, it is still a climb, I knew there would be little to no traffic. The road was rough, so I did have to watch for potholes. At the top of the hill I turned back onto Route 3 West again. In no time at all I could see more hills. Now I can say the hills look worse than what they are. Going down one gives you the momentum to get part way up the next, so little effort was needed. The weather was perfect, in the upper sixties and the roadside was beautiful with gold and brown ferns. The trees were not at peak, but they were colorful and the smell of fall was grand. Like Route 3 South, this route has a wide bike lane. When I spotted the Raquette River Flow sign, I was not far from my destination.

I had first seen Jane’s work at a Senior Citizen’s Craft fair in Tupper Lake. After retiring she, along with her husband opened their business Purdy Things at Jane’s Place. They work together re-purposing furniture, doors, windows and just about anything they can get their hands on. You will find wall decor, floral arrangements, unique light fixtures and much more! Their son helps them out too, a nice family business that recently celebrated their first anniversary.

On my way to my destination, I had not stopped to take pictures. My first stop, on my return to the village was at the Raquette River Recreation area. A beautiful spot on Pump House Road, where one can launch a small boat, have a picnic or just hang out and enjoy the view.

As I was going down the hill, Old Piercefield Road, I was thinking about food! I hadn't been to the Main Street Restaurant in a long time, so I made it my next destination. I just love the overhang on the building, with all the foliage. While enjoying a garden salad I decided I to visit Usher's Farm.

A little back tracking put me on Underwood Road, where I found Lydia working. We chatted about the pumpkins, mums and my recent camping experience on Cranberry Lake. I need to return with my vehicle do some shopping.

I decided to take the Junction Pass, a very nice biking and walking path that allows you to avoid traffic. It takes you through the woods and then along Raquette Pond. At the end of the Junction Pass, near the new band shell, I got onto Lake Street and then on Wawbeek Avenue. It was almost four o'clock, so I decided to avoid Park Street as people would be just getting out of work.

I biked on Broad Street then hit McLaughlin Avenue back to my car. It was a fantastic ride, ending with 21.77 miles! I am certain I will be headed that way again before snowfall, with a new destination beyond Purdy Things at Jane's Place, but it will be one of my stops..