Round Lake

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 01/19/2023 - 11:30

Massawepie Mire

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 01/19/2023 - 11:29

Bog River Falls

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 01/19/2023 - 11:29


Adirondack birding and boreal birds

With a diverse set of habitats, birding in the Tupper Lake area has something for everyone and every life list! Spring and fall migrations are always an exciting time of year, with many species traveling through or returning to the region. Summer and winter may be quieter but birdwatching is still spectacular! From year-round resident species to migratory birds to elusive rarities, we’re positive you’ll find a “lifer” in Tupper Lake.

A seasonal performance

With the changing of the seasons, there can be different bird species found in the array of habitats around Tupper Lake. 

As the seasons change and longer days begin to loosen the grip of the cold, and we begin a new chapter that starts with Red-winged Blackbirds calling from cattails in the Tupper Lake Marsh, and migrating ducks finding open water along the Tupper Lake Causeway. Later in the spring and into summer, if you listen closely, you might even hear pumping calls of American Bitterns from the grassy cover. Watch for Ospreys and Bald Eagles soaring overhead!

Early summer is one of the most diverse times of year to bird Tupper Lake. Birders would be remiss to not visit Massawepie Mire or the Nature Conservancy’s Spring Pond Bog, places where Lincoln’s Sparrows, Palm Warblers, and the elusive Spruce Grouse are known to reside. 

Fall can be a very exciting time of year to go birding. In fact, it’s often the best time of year to find stray birds making cameos in the region, birds that are out of place or blown off-course during their migration. And as we circle back around toward winter, the Common Loons and other summer birds are replaced by Snow Buntings, American Tree Sparrows, and winter finches. 

In coniferous habitats, such as those found south of Tupper Lake around Sabattis Bog, the bird songs are not as numerous in winter but they are still present. Red and White-winged Crossbills are found here in winter, if food availability is right, along with the year-round Canada Jays and Black-capped Chickadees. In warmer months, birders will delight in hearing from a chorus of warblers.

Start your migration today!

Each year, each season, each day offers different birds. Get your spotting scopes and binoculars ready - it’s time to go birdwatching in Tupper Lake! Don't forget: rarities can be found all year-round!

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